Agarwood cultural city company profile Agarwood Cultural City Company Profile | Page 29

沉香人工结香法 ARTIFICIAL INOCULATION METHOD 半断干法 凿洞法 Paly-Trunk-Prunning Method (PTP) Burning-Chisel-Drilling Method 在树体的基部1到2米以上的树体 上锯出一个伤口,深度要求为树体 粗度的三分之一到二分之一之间。 再沿着同一方向不同高度,再制造 出一些伤口,每个伤口间隔为30 到40厘米之间。香农们称之为开 香门。久之在伤口处也能结香,经 数年后便可在伤口处取香,取香后 香门仍有可能继续结香。 在距地面1-3米树干上凿数个深2-3 厘米,宽和高均为3-4厘米的方形 洞,或直1-3厘米,深3-6厘米的圆 形小洞,然后用泥团封闭,小洞附 近的木质部逐渐分泌树脂,数年后 可生成沉香。一般情况,此法比上 述两种方法结香快、结香好。 A wound is sawed onto a tree body 1 to 2 meters above the base of the tree, with a depth requirement between 1/3 and 1/2 of the tree body. Fuher along the same direction at different heights, create wounds with interval of 30 to 40 cm between each wound. It is referred to as the opening of the agarwood fragrant. With time, the resin may form at the surrounding of the resin and it can then be yielded. Most of the time, the tree survives since the damage is not too deep. On the trunk of 1-3 meters from the ground, chisel 2-3 cm, width and height of the squared hole are 3-4 cm, or straight 1-3 cm, 3-6 cm depth roundish holes, and then cover the holes with mud. The resin will be produced aer several years. Usually this method can produce and yield more agarwood resin than the abovementioned methods. 砍伤法 化学法结香 人工接菌结香 Wounding Method Chemical-Inoculation Method 通常选择8-10年生、树干直径30 厘米左右的立木,在距地面1.5-2 米处顺砍几刀,刀与刀间距离 30-40厘米,伤口深3-4厘米。经 过一段时间后,伤口附近的木质 部会分泌油脂类物质,数年后逐 渐变成黑棕色,这便是沉香,时 间越长越好。取香后造成的伤口 ,仍有可能继续结香。 给树干打吊针,将人工培养的细菌注 入树干使其结香,但是这种方法结出 的香香味差,并且可能会有毒,对人 体有害,沉香表面会存在针孔。 Pick a 8-10 years agarwood tree trunk with diameter of about 30 cm, in 1.5-2 meters away from the ground, throw several slashes with 30-40 cm between each slashes and depth ranging 3 to 4 cm. Aer a period of time, the area surrounding the wound will form substances and aer few years later it will gradually turn dark brown, this will be the agarwood resin. The longer time it is kept, the beer. The wound caused by the inoculation will continue to yield scent. By injecting tress with chemical such as ferrous chloride, sodium bisulfite, NaCl, and etc. The chemicals disrupt the normal functioning of the cells and lead to the increase of the resin production. It will allow the tree to stay alive while the resin formation is increased. However, this method produces less promising result in terms of the agarwood scent, and may be toxic and harmful. This method may leave holes on the suace of the trees. Aificial Fungal Inoculation Method 在避风、向阳面,从树干同侧自上而下 ,每隔40-50厘米,用锯或凿按垂直于 树干的方向开香门,深约为树干的1/3 ,口宽1-2厘米,凿去中间的断木。用 塑料薄膜包扎封口,防止杂菌感染和昆 虫、蚂蚁危害,以及保持菌种所需要的 水分。经过几年时间,即可采收到三四 级沉香,4-5年可采收二级沉香。 Fungal inoculation is a new and improved wounding method that takes much less time to produce the results. It also involves drilling holes in a tree, but their size is much smaller than when the traditional wounding is done. On a bright sunny condition under a shelter, from the trunk and side top-down, every 40-50 cm, with a saw or chisel in the direction perpendicular to the trunk open the fragrant door, deep about 1/3 of the trunk, mouth width 1-2 cm, chisel to the middle of the broken wood. Wrap the seal with a plastic film to prevent the infection of the fungus and the harm of insects and ants, as well as to maintain the moisture required by the strain. Aer several years, you can harvest 3 rd to 4 th grade of agarwood while 4-5 years can yield a 2 nd grade of agarwood. NATURAL INOCULATION METHOD 蚁沉 水沉 土沉 倒架 Formed by Insect Aack Formed in Water Formed in Mud 指树木活体被砍伐,倒后经虫蚁白 蚁蛀蚀而成,称为蚁沉。 指朽木倒伏后埋于沼泽,木质 部长时间经历生物解,再于沼 泽区捞起者,称为水沉 。 指朽木陷入土中,经微生物分解腐 朽而成,时间越长分解,甚至出现 石化现象,其木质纤维的特性近乎 完全丧失 。 Agarwood formed by Collapsing Refers to agarwood formed from a wood log felled from a living tree and aacked by insects aer falling onto the ground. Refers to agarwood formed by the decomposition by micro-organisms and erosion from roen wood soaked in swamps. Refers to agarwood formed by the decomposition by micro-organisms and erosion from roen wood buried in mud. Prolonged burial may lead to fossilization of the wood piece, by which the characteristics of its wood textures will be close to complete destruction. 指经年受自然风雨侵蚀,朽木倒 伏地上结香,称为倒架 。 Refers to agarwood formed from roen wood that falls on the ground due to prolonged exposure to wind and rain erosion.