Agarwood cultural city company profile Agarwood Cultural City Company Profile | Page 24

为何沉香如此昂贵? WHY IS AGARWOOD SO EXPENSIVE? 沉香树是一种濒危品种。而且,只有区 区2%的野生沉香树会被真菌感染并产出 沉香。因此,寻找沉香可说知易行难, 其身价自然也就昂贵非凡。 人工培植的沉香树,需至少7年才能长到 足以采收沉香的地步。这段期间需要庞 大的投资,包括水电、地税、害虫防治 和人力等各类成本。 而且,面对台湾、沙地阿拉伯、日本和 阿联酋等正在不断成长的海外市场,世 界各地对沉香都拥有高度需求。全球对 此产品的需求在过去30年明显成长,致 使沉香的价格水涨船高。 原产沉香储量锐减 AGARWOOD PRODUCTION IS DRAMATICALLY REDUCED 在沉香的产量方面,由于沉香精油 高额利润的驱动,人类无序肆意的 过度砍伐,导致分布在全球各地的 原生沉香树木已经大量减少或直接 消失。其中最好的例子就是在太平 洋上的夏威夷岛。而且,全世界主 要沉香生产国的印度政府也不得不 禁止砍伐,并严禁沉香的出口! In terms of Agarwood production, locals cut down Agarwood trees indiscriminately in search of the valuable fragrant producing resin. As a result, there are hardly any of these trees le in the world. The best example of this is the Hawaii Island on the Pacific Ocean. The world main Agarwood producer in the world, India, has to ban the logging and prohibit the expo of Agarwood! Aquilaria trees are an endangered species. In addition to this, only around 2% of trees in the wild is affected by the mould that creates agarwood. As a result, finding Agarwood is difficult, leading to high costs. When aquilaria trees are cultured, it takes at least 7 years before they grow large enough to harvest the Agarwood. During this time, there is a lot of investment, such as electricity, water, land taxes, pest control and labour. There is high demand for Agarwood, with markets such as Taiwan, Saudi Arabia, Japan and the United Arab Emirates continuing to grow. The demand for this product has risen considerably over the past 30 years, fuher driving up prices. AGARWOOD OUD OIL 1000公斤 的沉香 1公升 纯沉香油 (1000 kg of AGARWOOD) (1 L of OUD oil) DID YOU KNOW? 平均来说,1公升的纯沉香油(Oud oil) 需要1000公斤的沉香来炼制。 On average, 1 litre of pure Oud oil requires 1000 kilograms of agarwood.