Agarwood cultural city company profile Agarwood Cultural City Company Profile | Page 21

1 沉香是如何形成的 沉香品种的花序 在众多沉香树的品种当中Aquilaria Malaccensis属 于一般种植者的首选,因为此品种平均7-9年的时 间就会结香一次;相对一些品种从树苗到成熟的完 整生命只能拥有一次结香。Aquilaria植物种的开花 和结实季节一般都落在5月份至8月份之间。 Inflorescence of Aquilaria species Aquilaria malaccensis produces seeds aer 7–9 years while some other species produce seeds only once in their life cycle. The flowering and fruiting of Aquilaria species usually happen during the months between May and August. THE PATH TOWARDS AGARWOOD 5 自然形成的沉香树脂 成长至第3年时,沉香树苗会在韧皮部和薄壁组织 之间逐渐形成树脂。一旦有真菌入侵此时的沉香 树,其 树身将会发生相对的回应,自行产 生出保护性树脂;而凝聚于树身当中的树脂达到 相应的饱和度后,就会形成沉香木。 Natural formation of resin in heawood of Agarwood trees In the third year, Agarwood saplings may begin resin formation within its network of phloem and parenchyma. Once a fungal infection takes hold of trees of the Aquilaria genus, trees respond or interact, producing a protective resin which saturates the heawood and roots, forming Agarwood.