Agarwood cultural city company profile Agarwood Cultural City Company Profile | Page 20

沉香之历史 HI STORY OF AGA RWOOD 沉香之历史 HISTORY OF AGARWOOD 沉香之香味 沉香之性质 AROMA OF AGARWOOD THE NATURE OF AGARWOOD 并非所有沉香都完全相同,其香味有细微的差异很 正常。十六世纪的品香大师确定了几种香味,分别 命名为Rakoku、Manaban、Sasora 和Sumatora ,概括辣、甜、咸、苦四种香味。其中,Kayara 被 认为具有最高雅的气味,它将所有香味融合到同一 片沉香中。如今,品香大师可以根据香味鉴别沉香 的地域来源,甚至还能辨别来自同一地区的沉香所 具有的细微差异。 沉香实质上就是沉香树所分泌的倍半萜类与色酮类的 化合物。树脂质木材中的多种不同种类和数量的化合 物会散发出芳香。这些化合物会在活树内构成防御机 制,可以抵御微生物的侵袭,而且只有在这非常特殊 的情况下才会形成。在种植园成木内培育沉香的新方 法可刺激和促成这些自然分泌的化合物。那些通常在 较老的成木内分泌而且需要数十年积聚的沉香,如今 在幼木内也能分泌而成了。 Not all Agarwood are exactly the same and it is very common that they have a slight difference in aroma. Incense connoisseurs of sixteenth-century have classified the aromas into six categories: Rakoku, Manaban, Sasora and Sumatora, associated with four types of flavor: Spicy, Sweet, Salty and Bier. Kayara is considered to have the most elegant scent. Today’s incense masters can determine the regional origin of the Agarwood from its aroma and can even differentiate slight variances that may be found in the Agarwood from within one region. Agarwood is essentially a complex compound of sesquiterpenes and chromones secreted by Agarwood tree. The different types and quantity of the compounds in the resinous wood created the aroma. These compounds form a defense mechanism in the living tree, which is resistant to microbial aack and can only be formed under a very specific circumstance. The new direction of cultivating Agarwood in plantation can stimulate these naturally occurring compounds. Aromatic resins are normally produced in older Agarwood trees and take decades to accumulate; the resins can now be secreted in young trees. 数千年来,这种树脂质木材一直是冥想和祈祷仪式中所焚烧的 香。包括佛教,回教、印度教、道教和基督教在内的许多宗教 团体都将沉香视作最珍贵的木材,并称其为“众神之木”。熏 焚沉香所散发的香气具有镇静安神的作用,并能增加人的机体 活力或“元气”。因为这些特性,一些地方文化亦将其作为药 用成分。沉香所散发的怡人芳香一直深受世界各地人们的喜爱 。甚至在日本的香道仪式中,沉香所散发的气味成为一种迷人 的芳香艺术形式。 For thousands of years, this resinous wood was burned as incense during meditation and prayer. Many religious groups including Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, Taoists and Christians considered Agarwood as the most precious material and refer it as the “Wood of the Gods”. Agarwood incense emits a calming effect and able to increase a person’s body energy or “Yuan Chi”. Because of these qualities, some local cultures have utilized it as a medicinal component. The pleasant aroma of Agarwood has been enjoyed throughout the world and has developed into a beautiful aromatic a form in Japan called the Kōdō ceremony. 沉香之珍稀 AGARWOOD’S IMMENSE VALUE AND RARITY 许多当地人对沉香树滥砍滥伐,只为求其宝贵的芳香树脂。因 此,世界上所剩的沉香树已为数不多。鉴于优质沉香需要经历 漫长的时间才得以形成,而且只有小部分树木会分泌树脂和结 香,因此导致了极度供不应求的现状。 The locals cut down Agarwood trees indiscriminately in search of the valuable fragrant producing resin. As a result, there are hardly any of these trees le in the world. Since high quality Agarwood takes a long time to form naturally and only a small percentage of trees produce fragrant resin, which leads to the current situation of a large demand that far exceeds the supply. 过度采伐和生态丧失对一些能够生成沉香的树种造成了威胁。 1995年以来,主要来源——马来沉香(沉香)已被列入濒临 野生动植物物种国际贸易公约(CITIES)附录II(潜在受威胁 物种)。2004年,所有沉香属物种都被列入了附录II。这意味 着未经CITIES许可对其进行采割或贸易皆属违法行为。而民 间商业投资以及可持续发展种植园通过提供可行的替代品推动 了对天然雨林中沉香类树木的保护。 Overharvesting and habitat loss threatens some populations of Agarwood producing species. One of the main reasons for the relative rarity and high cost of agarwood is the depletion of the wild resource. Since 1995, Aquilaria malaccensis, the primary source, has been listed in Appendix II (potentially threatened species) by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. In 2004, all Aquilaria species were listed in Appendix II, meaning that any harvest or expo of the plantation without permit from CITES Paies are illegal. However, private business investment and sustainable plantation can promote the protection of Agarwood trees in natural rainforests by providing viable alternatives.