Agarwood cultural city company profile Agarwood Cultural City Company Profile | Page 19

沉香的简介 AGA RWOOD INTRODUC TI ON 自然界中 的宝物 Nature’s Greatest Treasure 沉香从何而来? WHERE DOES AGARWOOD COMES FROM 沉香是一种源自于沉香树(Aquilaria tree)的产品。这当中以东南亚原产的 鹰木香树(俗称:马来沉香木,学名: Aquilaria Malaccensis)最炙手可热。它 们大多生长在马来西亚、印尼、泰国、 柬埔寨、寮国、越南、印度、孟加拉、 菲律宾和新几内亚的热带雨林。 Agarwood is the product from trees known as Aquilaria. Of these, the most commonly sought aer is the Aquilaria Malacensis, which are native to Southeast Asia. They grow in the rainforests of Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, India, Bangladesh, Philippines and New Guinea. 何谓沉香? WHAT IS AGARWOOD ? 沉香,又称作乌德木,栈香或琼脂,是沉香属及拟沉香 属树木(源产于东南亚地区的大型常青树)的树心收到 真菌感染时形成的深色而有芳香气味的树脂。这两种树 木都归入瑞香料,疏疏落落地生长在亚州雨林地区,如 今被视作世界濒危物种,难见于天然森林中。 含有树脂的木材通常被称作沉香木、栈香木、伽罗木、 沉香或乌德木,在许多文化中都因其独特芳香奉为之宝 珍品,并因此被用于熏香、香水和医药用途。 Agarwood, also known as OUD, Aquilaria or Agar is a fragrant dark resinous wood which formed in the heawood of Aquilaria spp. and Gyrinops spp. tree (large evergreens native to Southeast Asia) aer they are infected by fungus. Both of the species are in the Thymelaeaceae family; occur paicularly in the rainforests of Southeast Asia. It is now rarely seen in such habitats and is now considered to be threatened with extinction worldwide. The tree that produces a dark aromatic resin is oen called Agarwood, Aquilaria, Gharuwood, Aloeswood or OUD. The resin embedded wood is valued in many cultures for its distinctive fragrance, and thus is used for incense, peumes and medicinal purposes.