AED 222 TUTOR Learn by Doing/ AED 222 TUTOR Learn by Doing/ | Page 11

After watching both the Reading and Writingand the Social Skills video clips at what characteristics of ASD do Ayah and Ally display? Under which classifications of ASD might the girls be identified? How do the teachers respond to each child? Explain why.  After watching both the Who Is George? and the Communication Disorders—George’s Support video clips at do you think that George’s communication disorder is a speech or language disorder, or a combination of both? Differentiate between them and support your answer with information from the text. =================================================== AED 222 Week 5 Assignment Supports for TBI Physical Disabilities and Health Impairments (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Assignment: Supports for TBI, Physical Disabilities, and Health Impairments Read about the special supports on pp. 401–403 of Special Education for Today’s Teachers that have been designed to help students with medical and physical conditions in the classroom. Research several available supports. Create a 5- to 7-slide PowerPoint® presentation that portrays information about three specific supports: one that might benefit a