Adviser Update Summer 2013 | Page 22

SUM yellow magenta cyan black P01.V52.I4 Page 2B /3B COLUMBUS NORTH STUDENT MEDIA ALUMNI (COLUMBUS, IND.) S lightly different from the typical page for delivering news, Columbus North is one of many programs that has developed a page for alumni of the program to help them stay involved with their high school. This approach allows the current staff to connect with alumni, possibly cultivating sources for news and sources for support. Advisers: Kim Green & Rachel McCarver WHITNEY HS DETAILS YEARBOOK (ROCKLIN, CALIF.) Students at Whitney chose a Facebook profile page instead of fan page for their yearbook, Details. Good thing — Whitney Details sounds like a person’s name. Their page does an amazing job giving students various teases of the yearbook, as well as asking questions students can respond to and perhaps have their answers appear in the yearbook. The profile also advertises upcoming events the staff will be at and seeks volunteers for coverage. The staff also successfully uses Instagram @detailsyearbook. Adviser: Sarah Nichols ‘Social media ... is an important way North Centra (Indianap I hate to use work from the school that emp a strong job updating their Facebook presen Facebook is typically breaking news with a l page is effective. Our superintendent and di have posted. The staff also runs a variety of @nchslivecafe. Our account lets kids know for student media