Adviser Update Summer 2013 | Page 23

MMER 2013 O ne of the most cleverly-named student newspapers has a Facebook fan page heavy on photos. This staff uses regular photo uploads to keep the page fresh. School announcements and reminders to buy the print edition fill out this page that promotes reader interactivity. Adviser: Colleen Gacic Simpson Mira Costa HS Mustang Morning News (MIRA COSTA, CALIF.) Fpublications. acebook fan pages aren’t just for print The Mustang Morning News’ page is heavy on links to its website as well as other sources. The page seems to be a great supplement to the program’s broadcast and website. This is a mighty triple-threat of information dissemination. Adviser: Michael Hernandez black P01.V52.I4 a to stay connected (SCITUATE, MASS.) cyan ploys me, however my students have done nce on an almost daily basis. Info posted on link to our website or another source. The istrict often “share” the stories my students f Twitter accounts, the most successful being what the lunch menu is the following day. Adviser: Tom Gayda SCITUATE HS SCITUATION magenta polis, IND.) with their target audience.’ yellow al HS NCHS Live! Adviser Update