New England Center for
Investigative Reporting
Summer Investigative
Reporting Workshop
based at Boston University in Boston,
Mass., is a perfect opportunity for
U.S. and international high school
students to learn more about
journalism, and explore the exciting
city of Boston!
Session 1: June 27-July 8
Session 2: July 11-22
Session 3: July 25-August 5
Application Deadline: Two weeks
prior to the start of each session,
space pending
Cost: Tuition: $2,300, Housing/Meal
Plan (if needed): $800, scholarships
Jillian Saftel, Training Program Manager
New England Center for Investigative
Reporting, Boston University
(617) 353-5391
[email protected]
ThreeSixty Journalism
at the University of St.
Thomas in St. Paul, Minn.
offers five summer camp
options in June andJuly. Space
is limited, and it is a competitive
application process. Camps are from
9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through
Friday on the dates noted. Preference
is given to Minnesota residents.
Lodging is not provided for any of the
Application Deadline: May 23
Cost: $1,025 - $2,875, scholarships
Bao Vang, Engagement Coordinator
University of St. Thomas, Minnesota
(651) 962-5225
[email protected]
Media Now STL
June 26-29 at Maryville
University in St. Louis, Mo.
is a four day summer boot
camp for high school journalism
teachers and students that aims to
take their digital media skills to the
next level, for the upcoming school
year and beyond. The goal is to push
their design, writing, photography,
leadership, web and multimedia skills
to the limit with hands-on instruction
and work time that allows those that
attend to learn and then immediately
apply. Media Now offers workshops
in web, multimedia, photography,
design, social media, broadcast,
editor training and much more.
Application Deadline: April 24
Cost: $300, housing is an additional
$100, scholarships available
Aaron Manfull, Camp Director
(314) 252-8816
[email protected]