Advanced Directive Planning Guide | Page 3

Which is Better : a Living Will or a Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare ?
In some states , laws make it better to have one or the other . It may also be possible to have both or to combine them in a single document that describes treatment choices in a variety of situations ( ask your doctor about these ) and name someone to make decisions for you should you be unable to make decisions for yourself .
Can I Change my Mind After I Write a Living Will or Healthcare Power of Attorney ?
Yes , you have the right to change or cancel an advance directive at any time . Any change or cancellation should be written , signed and dated in accordance with state law , and copies should be given to your family doctor as well to others whom you may have given copies of the original . If you wish to cancel an advance directive while you are in the hospital , you should notify your doctor , your family and others who may need to know that you have changed your living will or power of attorney for healthcare .
What if I Fill Out an Advance Directive in One State and am Hospitalized in Another ?
The law honoring an advance directive from another state is unclear . However , an advance directive tells your wishes regarding medical care and may be honored wherever you are if it ’ s available to medical staff . If you spend a great deal of time in more than one state , consider having your advance directive meet the laws of both states to the largest extent possible .