Advanced Directive Planning Guide | Page 4

What Should I Do With my Advance Directive if I Choose to Have One ?
Make sure that someone , such as your lawyer or family member , knows that you have an advance directive and where it is located . You might also consider the following :
• If you have a durable power of attorney , give a copy or the original to your agent or proxy . Your agent or proxy is any person authorized to make healthcare decisions on your behalf .
• Ask your doctor to make your advance directive part of your permanent medical record .
• Keep a second copy of your advance directive in a safe place where it can be found easily if it is needed .
Keep a small card in your purse or wallet that states that you have an advance directive , where it is located and who you ’ ve designated as your agent or proxy . By law , when you enter a hospital or skilled nursing hospital , you should be asked whether you have an advance directive or living will .
Some Questions to Consider
• Under what conditions would you want life-sustaining procedures to be provided ?
• Under what conditions would you want life-sustaining procedures withheld or withdrawn ?
• What would you consider burdensome treatment ?
• If you are dying or in an incurable or irreversible condition with no expectation of recovery , would you want ...
• Antibiotics ? Under what conditions ? - Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation ( CPR )? Under what conditions ? - Do you want nutritional support if you are unable to swallow or eat your meals ? - If you are in a persistent vegetative state ? - Feeding by tubes to your stomach ( nasogastric / gastrostomy )? Under what conditions ? - Intravenous fluids ? Under what conditions ? - Kidney dialysis ? Temporary or permanent treatment ? Under what conditions ? - Support by respirator ? Under what conditions ? - Blood and blood products ? Under what conditions ? - Surgery ? Life prolonging ? Comfort measure only ? - Return to hospital from hospice care at home or from nursing home ? Under what conditions ? - Hospice care ? Palliative care only ? Comfort measure only ? - Other concerns :