Advanced Directive Planning Guide | Page 2

If a Medical Tragedy Strikes , You Have the Right to Choose What Medical Care You Do or Do Not Want .

It is best if you make this important decision and discuss it with your family while you are healthy and competent . The easiest way to make sure that your wishes will be followed is for you to write what is known as a living will . It states the kind of medical care that should be received if you become unable to make your own decisions .
According to Nevada ’ s Right to Die law ( Chapter 449A of Nevada Revised Statues ), your doctor is required to follow your instructions exactly as you have written them in your declaration or living will . In addition , it allows your family to make decisions about life-sustaining medical treatments if you ’ re unable to communicate .
What is an Advance Directive ?
An advance directive is a written document stating how you want medical decisions made if you lose the ability to make decisions for yourself . It allows you to state your choices for healthcare or to name someone to make those choices for you if you become unable to make decisions about your medical treatment .
The Two Most Common Advance Directives Are :
Living Will : In Nevada , living wills are called declarations , and they state the kind of medical care you want or do not want if you become unable to make decisions on your own . It is called a living will because it takes effect while you are still living . You can complete a preprinted form , draw up your own form , or write a statement of treatment preferences . You may want to speak to an attorney or doctor to be certain you have completed the living will in a way that your wishes will be understood and followed .
Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare : A durable power of attorney for healthcare is a signed , dated , and witnessed paper naming another person as your authorized spokesperson to make medical decisions for you if you should become unable to make them for yourself . You can also include instructions about any treatment you want to avoid .
Do I Have to Write an Advance Directive ?
No . It is entirely up to you .