Adult Enrichment Spring Supplement Spring 2018 | Page 18
Creating Dementia Friendly Communities
The following courses are sponsored by CLASS (Consortium of Lakes Area Senior Services)
Community Conversation: Dementia
Join members from our community to
understand how well we are serving people
with dementia and their family and friend
caregivers. We'll explore how we can act
together to become a dementia-friendly
community. You are welcome to share your
ideas and knowledge on how we can create
a supportive environment for people living
with dementia.
Date: Wed, Mar 28
Time: 10:00–11:00 am
Cost: FREE, please preregister
Class #: SRW7B
Location: Gladstone, 105
NEW! Aging by Design®: Exploring
the Possibilities
Learn how to identify and map out your
Healthy Brain
individual aging-by-design goals. Explore the
Can your brain span match your lifespan?
changes that occur as people age, design
Discover strategies to help ensure a
your personal path to retirement and be
healthier brain based on four things you can part of the discussion to break sensitive
do now for mental fitness. Carolyn Klaver
subjects into workable steps for your future
Date: Wed, Apr 4
possibilities. We'll cover the following topics:
Time: 6:30–8:00 pm
navigating transitions, approaching the future
Cost: FREE, please preregister
with ingenuity, preparing for the unexpected,
Class #: SRW5
and pursuing passions. FamilyMeans
Location: Gladstone, 105
Date: Tue, Apr 24
Time: 6:00–8:00 pm
Date: Wed, Apr 18
Cost: $39
Time: 10:00–11:30 am
Class #: AEW10
Cost: FREE, preregister at 651-407-2024
Location: Stillwater Area H.S., G113
Location: Mahtomedi District Education
Center, 103
NEW! Cultivate Your Intuition
In Depth with Dementia
Overview of the disease with information
pertaining to rummaging, how to live
with loved ones with dementia, getting a