Adult Enrichment Spring Supplement Spring 2018 | Page 17
Full Line-up of SilverSneakers® Classes at Gladstone
These SilverSneakers® classes are ongoing so you may join at any time. Just bring your SilverSneakers® card to the first session of each
class that you attend. If you don’t have the SilverSneakers® insurance benefit, you are still welcome to attend, just pay a drop-in rate or
purchase a punch card at a discounted rate. Call 651-748-7232 for more information.
SilverSneakers® Cardio & Strength
A low-impact, moderate-intensity exercise
class designed to safely and effectively
increase your stamina, strength, balance
and flexibility. Adjustable weight cuffs are
provided. Bring water and wear comfortable
clothes and supportive tie-on shoes.
Penny Madvig
Tue/Thu 8:00–9:00 am
SilverSneakers® Ageless Grace®
You'll be guided through 21 groups of
simple movements that can stimulate the
brain like no routine exercise can do! Best
of all, these movements are all performed
from the comfort of a chair which means
that anyone at any age or ability can
participate. Pola Rest
Wed 11:15 am–12:00 pm
Silversneakers® Chair Yoga
A gentle form of yoga that is practiced
sitting on a chair, or standing using a chair
for support—no moving up and down from
the floor. Improve your balance, flexibility
and strength. Wear comfortable clothing
and bring a water bottle. Ruth Paisley
Thu 1:30–2:15 pm
SilverSneakers® Yoga
Increase your strength, flexibility and your
ability to focus and relax. Classes include
breathing exercises, postures and final
relaxation. Accommodations can be made
for all abilities. Yoga is practiced barefooted.
Wear comfortable clothing and bring a yoga
mat and water. Ruth Paisley
Thu 2:30–3:30 pm