Addiction Rehab Thousand Islands All About Marijuana Addiction Treatment | Page 4
Tips for Becoming Marijuana-Free
Counseling may be ideal for those who are undecided when It comes to
getting rid of marijuana. A therapist can help addicts to see the negative
effects of their habits and the ways that addiction is affecting their
relationships with family, friends and coworkers. Therapy sessions can
also give addicts a clear picture of their dreams and aspirations, and help
to explain why these dreams may not be able to be accomplished when
drugs are in the picture.
Cold Turkey
Of course, some people may want to stop cold turkey. This is for
extremely strong-willed individuals who are serious about not smoking
anymore. The cold turkey method can be risky, however, because the
withdrawal symptoms can be overwhelming for some. This method is
usually best for those who have not been smoking for long, since THC,
the main ingredient in marijuana, is stored in the body for weeks and the
cravings will be strong to increase the amount of THC in the
bloodstream. If the body has become dependent on receiving a certain
amount of THC on a regular basis, the longer one has been maintaining a
smoking habit, the harder it will be to quit.