Addiction Rehab Thousand Islands All About Marijuana Addiction Treatment | Page 5

Marijuana Addiction Treatment: What Are the Options?  Motivational Counselling   Dietary Changes   During these sessions, addicts are reminded of the things that are important to them, and may even uncover some of the things that matter to them. Once these things are discussed, an action plan for achieving goals is established. For instance, if a patient realizes that marijuana addiction is keeping him/her from obtaining a degree, a plan for eliminating drug use and completing schoolwork while receiving stress management and study skills could be effective. Adding more protein to the diet can help to reduce the craving for marijuana. Protein helps to strengthen the brain and can reduce the chances of depression, which can often lead to marijuana addiction. Foods that contain vitamin C can also help to cure marijuana addiction, since this vitamin restores and protects the immune system and gives the body energy. It’s also important to consume whole grains and healthy sources of fibre like root vegetables and quinoa to stabilize blood sugar and decrease the tendency to eat junk foods, which is common with marijuana addiction. Keeping the body hydrated with water, beverages that are low in sugar and high in electrolytes and fresh fruit juices can also replenish the body and increase energy. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy  This type of therapy helps addicts to come to terms with their destructive behaviour, and to realize that these behaviours are leading to negative consequences. Cognitive behaviour therapy may be necessary for individuals who don’t know or aren’t willing to acknowledge how marijuana addiction is affecting their relationships with loved ones or their performance at work or school. Once negative behaviours such as being withdrawn from relatives or showing up late for work constantly are addressed, a plan of action for correcting these behaviours is established, and it becomes easier for the patient to chart his/her progress.