livestock (līv´´ stŏk) - animals
raised for food and other
mammal (mă m´´ əl) - animals
with fur or hair; they nurse
their young and have lungs
to breathe air
migrate (mī ´ grāt´ ) - to move
to another location
minerals (mĭn´´ ər-əl) -
building blocks of life
montane forest (mŏn´´ tān´´
fôr´´ ist) - a life zone
encompassing approximately
6,000 to 9,000 feet elevation
nature (nā´´ chər) - the world
surrounding us
old age (ōld ā j) - when an
animal is old
omnivore (ŏm´´ nə-vôr´) - an
animal that eats both plants
and animals
overcrowding (ō´´ vər-kroud)
- too many animals in one
pet (pĕt) - animal kept for
photo (fō´´ tō) - having to do
with light
photosynthesis (fō´´ tō-
sĭn´´ thə-sĭs) - the process
where plants make food
plant (plănt) - a living
organism usually growing
from the soil shelter (shĕ l´´ tər) -
something that protects
pollution (pə-loo
¯ ´ shən) -
something that harms the
environment shrublands (shrŭb´´ lă nd) -
life zones; montane
shrublands encompass
elevations of 5,000 feet;
semi-desert shrublands are
at elevations of 4,000 feet
population (pŏp´´ yə-lā-shən)
- number of living things in
an area
soil (soil) - the ground
(prĭ-sĭp´ə-tā´´ shən) - a process
in the water cycle in which
water falls to Earth as rain,
snow, sleet, hail, etc.
predator (prĕd´´ ə-tôr)-
animals that hunt other
prey (prā)- animals that are
hunted by other animals
primary (prī ´ mĕr´ē) - first,
produce (prō´´ doo
¯ s)- make
protozoa (prō´tə-zō´´ ə) -
small one celled animals
solar (sō´´ lər) - having to do
with the sun
solar energy (sō´´ lər
ĕn´´ ər-jē) - energy from
the sun
solid (sŏl´´ ĭd) - one of the
states of water (the other
states of water are vapor and
liquid); frozen water
space (spās) - open area
species (spē´´ shēz) - type of
plant or animal
starvation (stär-vā´´ shən) -
when animals die due to lack
of food
rams (rămz) - male sheep states of water (stātz ŭv
wô´´ tər) - water is found as
liquid, vapor (gas) and solid
reptiles - (rĕp´´ tīl) animals
with tough, dry, scaly skin;
they are cold blooded and
reproduce by laying eggs sunlight (sŭn´´ līt´) - light
coming from the sun
riparian (rī-par´´ ē-ən) -
wetland areas along the
banks of rivers, streams
or lakes
seasons (sē´´ zənz) - different
times of the year
synthesis (sĭn´´ thə-sĭs) - to
combine elements
tame (tām) - not wild; no
longer wild
transplant (trăns-plănt´´ ) -
move to another location
tundra (tŭn´´ drə) - life zone
at elevations of 11,000 feet
and higher
vapor (vā´´ pər) - gas; a state
of water which is neither
solid nor liquid
water (wô´´ tər) - a liquid
necessary for life
weather (wĕth´´ ər) - the
wind, temperature, moisture
in the atmosphere around us
wetlands (wĕt´´ lăndz) -
swamps, marshes; areas
saturated with water
wildlife (wīld´´ līf´) - animals
that do not rely on humans to
care for them
wildlife management
(wīld´´ līf´ măn´´ ĭj-mənt) -
controlling wildlife
populations in habitat areas
woodlands (woo
˘ d´´ lă ndz) -
life zone encompassing
elevations of approximately
6,000 feet