Activity Books Wildlife | Page 39

GLOSSARY A accident (ăk´sə-dənt) - an unfortunate happening that causes harm adaptation (ăd´ap-ta´´ shən)- an animal’s unique physical ability to live in a specific habitat amphibian (ăm-fĩb´´ ē-ən) - an animal that has no scales, fur or feathers and breeds in water & animal (ăn´´ə-məl)- a living thing that is not a plant antlers (ănt´´ lərs) - grow from the head of animals in the deer family and are shed each year | Argentina (är´jən-tē ´ nə)- South American country B bacteria (băk-tîr´´ ē -ə)- non- green one celled plants bird (bûrd) - an animal with wings and feathers that lays eggs = burrow (bûr´´ ō)- under- ground home of animals C carnivore (kär´´ nə-vôr´) - animal that eats meat l carrying capacity (kăr´´ ē-ng kə-păs´´ə-tē)- number of animals that can live in an area based upon food available in that area combined elements (kəm-bīn´´ d el´´ə-mənts) - more than one element compound word (kŏm-pound´´ wûrd) - word made up of two smaller words condensation (kŏn-dən-sā´´ shən)- when water vapor (gas) changes to liquid conflict (kŏn´´ flĭct)- disagreement D environment (ĕn-vī´´ rən-mənt) - living and non-living things around us i F fish (fĭsh) - aquatic animals; these animals are covered with scales and live in the water. Most of these animals hatch from eggs and are able to breathe under water. dead (dĕd) - no longer living decomposers (dē -kəm-pōz´´ erz) - plants and animals that recycle dead plants and animals food chain (foo ¯ d chān) - food energy travels from one thing to another disease (dĭ-zēz´´ )- something that causes illness food web (foo ¯ d wĕ b) - several food chains working together E ecology (ĭ-kŏl´´ə-jē)- study of nature elevation (ĕl´ə-vā ´ shən) - height above sea level, usually stated in feet energy (ĕn´´ər-jē ) - action or activity evaporation (ĭ-văp´´ə-rā -shən) - when water changes from liquid to gas habitat (hăb´´ə-tă t´) - the area in which a plant or animal lives ewes (yoo ¯ s) - female sheep food (foo ¯ d) - things eaten to give energy domesticate/domesticated animals (domesticate = də-mĕs´´ tĭ-kāt´) - animals that rely on humans for all or part of their needs H forest (fôr´´ ĭst) - an environment of trees and underbrush fungi (fŭn´´ jī´)- non-green plants like mold or mushrooms G harmony (här´´ mə-nē) - agreement in feeling, action, ideas, interests, etc.; peace, friendship herbivore (hûr´´ bə-vôr´) - animal that eats plants a horns (hôrnz) - permanent bony growth from the head of an animal I insect (ĭn´´ sĕkt´) - the only animals that can fly but have no backbone. Most are very small in size and some wear their skeleton on the outside of their body in an exoskeleton Ê L lambs (lă mz) - sheep young gas (gă s) - water which is neither solid nor liquid life zones (līf zōn) - different areas where plants and animals live; based on elevation grasslands (grăs´´ lănd´) - land with grass growing on it light (līt) - that which makes things so we can see them groundwater (ground-wâ´´ tər)- water that is located under the ground liquid (lĭk´´ w ĭd) - a state in which water is found; water can flow in this state 37