Activity Books Wildlife | Page 38

Science / Environment REPORTING Wildlife managers study wildlife and wildlife habitats. They write reports to inform other people of the results of studies they conduct. The Colorado state mammal is the Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep. The bighorn sheep’s coat is brown in the spring, then changes to gray or light brown in the winter. They have a white rump and light color hair around their noses. Both male and female bighorn sheep have horns. Horns do not drop off every year like antlers. Horns of the males are much larger than the horns of the females. Horns curl back around their ears. Hooves are dark brown and black with two toes. Male bighorns are called rams. Female bighorns are called ewes. The young are called lambs. Bighorn sheep are found high in the mountains. They like rocky areas. They usually live in groups called herds. They eat grasses and shrubs. Identify adaptations that help this animal survive and do well in its environment. Your turn. PICK AN ANIMAL AND WRITE A REPORT ABOUT IT. Include a description of the animal (color, size, weight, etc.), tell where it lives and what it eats. 36 Science Standards 3.1, 3.2 Reading/Writing Standards 2 , 3