Activity Books Wildlife | Page 41

ANSWERS Page 1 food, water, shelter, space wildlife habitat Discussion: What is your favorite wild animal? Is it a native animal of Colorado? What kind of habitat does it need? Page 6 Page 2 circles: skunk bear elk fish hawk turtle Page 7 The bird might eat the worm; the cat or snake might eat the bird or mice; the eagle might eat the cat, snake or mice; the coyote might eat the mice, snake, bird or cat; the people might eat the elk or steer; the elk, the steer and the mice eat the grass; the bird and the mice eat the flower and grass seeds. Xs: cow cat dog sheep turtle skunk horse fish Compound word: livestock Page 3 eagle, fish, bighorn sheep, moose, elk, beaver, raccoon, snake, lizard, mole Page 4 Plants - wooden furniture, wood blocks, kitchen cabinet, structure of the house uses wood, food in the refrigerator, paper. How many more do you see? Animals - food in the refrigerator, leather sofa, candle. How many more do you see? Page 5 solar energy (sun) plants Page 8 & 9 pronghorn - herbivore raccoons - omnivores prairie dogs - herbivores bears - omnivores eagles - carnivores foxes - omnivores deer - herbivores humans - omnivores Page 10 amphibian mammals birds reptiles fish insects Page 11 Answers will vary. Eagles, coyotes, foxes. water plants soil under plants Page 12 FUNGI - non-green plant like mold and mushrooms BACTERIA - non-green tiny one celled plants PROTOZOA - small one-cell animal Page 13 Across 1. habitat 3. environment 6. solar 7. photosynthesis 9. omnivore Down 1. herbivore 2. decomposer 4. carnivore 5. food chain The eagle will most likely eat the snake, making the snake most likely to be the prey. Page 15 features Answers will vary. Page 17 migrate or migration Answers will vary. Page 18 1. Disease can spread 2. Food can run out Words that sound the same are called homophones. An example used on this page is to, too and two. Page 19 accident weather hunting old age pollution disease starvation SOIL photosynthesis 39