Activity Books Wildlife | Page 33

Science / Environment On average, temperature changes 3° with every gain or loss of 1,000 feet of elevation. Temperatures are cooler at higher elevations, warmer at lower elevations. The temperature is a comfortable 72°F at 5,280 feet (in Denver!). You are thinking of having a picnic in the mountains. Your destination is just over 9,000 feet . What do you expect the temperature will be at your picnic site? Do you still want to eat lunch on the banks of high mountain stream today? Do you know the elevation of where you are? How does your elevation compare to the elevation of Denver? What is the expected difference in temperature from where you are to Denver? How does your elevation compare to the elevation of Los Angeles (sea level)? What is the expected difference in temperature from where you are to Los Angeles? Science Standards 3.1 31