Wetlands can be found in all the life zones. We notice wetlands on the
plains of Colorado because they are areas of green surrounded by brown.
Much of Colorado's wetland areas are the result of farmers and ranchers
bringing irrigation to their land. Miles and miles of irrigation ditches,
reservoirs and lakes built to bring water to farms also provide water
for wetlands and wildlife. About 3.5 million acres of Colorado are irrigated
Wetland soils are difficult to till and do not produce good crops except for
hay. Farmers often leave wetlands as wet meadows or marshes which
benefit wildlife. These areas provide a place for water to flow into during
heavy rains. Wetlands are great habitat for ducks, songbirds and other
wildlife. Tall vegetation provides shelter and nesting areas. Amphibians like
frogs need the temporary, shallow pools of wetlands to breed. Wetlands are
home to the greatest diversity of wildlife in Colorado.
Many different animals live in or use a wetland. Read the following clues
and see if you can figure out a few of these wetland inhabitants.
I have thick, oily fur and webbed feet.
I bring green branches into my underwater home for winter food.
I use my wide tail as a paddle.
I build my home in the water with sticks and logs I cut down with
my teeth.
WHO AM I?___________________________
Science Standards 3.1