Environment / Comprehension
The black face mask and ringed tail
belong to the raccoon. They are often
found along streams. They too eat just
about anything. They hunt at night for
frogs, berries, melons and corn. they
will also eat domestic animals.
Box turtles are 4 to 6 inches long. These turtles
have yellow lines on their shell. They can live to
be 50 years old. They dig into the cool ground
during the hot part of the day. They eat insects,
worms and plants.
Coyotes eat just about anything. They like fruit, insects, mice, rabbits and
other animals. Coyotes will also eat domestic livestock and pets. This dog-
like animal can be found in every habitat area.
Skunks can be found in most habitat
areas below timberline. They
are black and white in color
and have a defensive odor.
They hunt at night and
eat eggs, grasses,
and other insects.
Science Standards 3.1, 3.2, 6
Visual Arts Standard 1
Geography Standards 1.1, 1.2