Science / Environment
Our national symbol, the bald eagle, is dark
in color. Adult eagles have a white head
and tail. Eagles visit Colorado mostly in the
winter. They eat fish, birds, small mammals like
rabbits, mice, squirrels and lambs.
Black bears in Colorado can be many colors from
blond to black. They live in forests. Most of the
food they eat are plants. They eat berries, nuts
and grasses. They also eat insects
like ants and grubs. Sometimes
they will eat rabbits, birds, fawns
and elk calves and occasionally
Mallards are ducks. They are found all
over Colorado. The males have bright
green heads and
necks. A blue
wing patch is seen
on these ducks. They spend a lot of time on water
where they keep away from predators. They also find
food in ponds and near the shoreline of some lakes.
The red fox is found all across Colorado. It eats birds, rabbits,
mice, grasses, berries, worms, corn, and insects. The
red fox is not always red. Sometimes it is silver or
black. It always has a white tipped tail.
Science Standards 3.1, 3.2, 6
Visual Arts Standard 1
Geography Standards 1.1, 1.2