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Instagram cries the death off Boo, the prettiest dog
On January of 2019, a dog called “Boo” considered the prettiest dog of Instagram died from sadness over the past death of his big brother Buddy.
Boo became famous because the singer Kesha posted a tweet with a link to his instagram (@buddyboowaggytails). After that, he began to have thousands and thousands of followers until today.
Boo not only was a simple Instagram dog, but also participated in a campaign so that dogs could fly on the plane. A few years later he became even more famous because of an advertising campaign for glasses.
The end that revolutionized social networks
The drama-thriller series “Vis a Vis” finished it’s fourth season causing a strong impact among its viewers, leaving in the last chapter various deaths and an unexpected twist in the story.
This serie began broadcasting on Antena 3, but due to its low audience in the first and second season, they didn’t renew it’s broadcast. So Fox decided to produce the third and fourth season with a big number of followers.
The following day after the end of the series, these followers called "Marea Amarilla" revolutionized social networks with thousands and thousands of tweets asking the producer for a Spin-off of the two main characters from the serie (Maca and Zulema).
And this is an idea that the producer has not denied yet. So maybe, we could consider the option of this famous Spin-Off.
1. A Star is born
2. 8
3. Titanic
4.Christian Bale
5. Quentin Tarantino
6. Cher
7. La La Land
8. Citizen Kane
9. Jurassic Park
10. Night of the living dead