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An interview with Oriol Segura, an Audiovisual Media student at Tecnocampus.

ROSER. You’re listening Breakfast1 on BBC Radio1, I’m Roser Vega and today we have a special guest: Oriol Segura! Good morning Oriol, today I’m going to ask you some questions about you and your future.

ORIOL. Good morning too, that’s great.

ROSER. Ok, let’s start. If I’m not wrong, you are studying Audiovisual Media in Tecnocampus, what made you decide this degree and university and not another one?

ORIOL. I decided to study Audiovisual Media in Tecnocampus because I think it’s a very interesting degree in which you learn a lots of things about different areas: lighting, design, English… Moreover, I think that in Tecnocampus university you can develop your entrepreneurship skills, because they have many programs for students who have a business idea.

ROSER. That’s brilliant. I know that you are a hardworking person and also you fight to achieve your life goals. So, how would you describe yourself in only one word, which word would it be and why?

ORIOL. That’s a difficult question… Mmm… Maybe I would say I’m an empathic or a hard-working person, I don’t know. People often say that I’m also responsible. Sometimes it is difficult to describe yourself.

ROSER. Yes, probably that’s exactly the image you give from outside. Now, to know more information about you… Talking about hobbies, what do you like to do in your spare time?

ORIOL. Well, in fact I hardly never have free time because as you have said I’m studying Audiovisual Media degree in Tecnocampus and, on the weekends, I work as a hostel receptionist in Berga. But, when I have some spare time I like reading, meeting my friends and doing sport, for instance rock climbing.

ROSER. That’s very interesting! Where do you rock climb?

ORIOL. Nowadays I live in Mataró, but my family is from Berga. At the weekends I come back to Berguedà where I can practise this sport.

ROSER. And now focusing on medias, do you like to watch conventional TV or do you watch digital platforms such as Netflix or Movistar?

ORIOL. I like watching TV, the news and some games show program, even though I think I prefer watching digital platforms. I usually use Netflix. I like to choose when, where and with who I want to watch a series or a film: sincerely I think it’s the future.

ROSER. Really? Are you into that kind of Media?

ORIOL. Yes, sure!

ROSER. What series do you recommend?

ORIOL. I’d recommend Stranger Things, a science-fiction series, or Elite, a series about a teenengers story. I also love, Benvinguts A La Família, a TV3 serie: it’s a barrel of laughs. Now I have started watching Vis a Vis because a friend said to me that’s a worthwhile series. I’ll explain it to you another day, I‘ve just seen the first episode.

ROSER. Apart from that, I know that you are into Passarells del Tecnocampus, why did you joined in there?

ORIOL. I’ve done human towers, in Berga’s group, since I was 12 and when I started university I wanted to continue it. In Passarells I have met a lot of new friends, we usually have lunch together, we go partying… and, of course, we practise human towers. I’d say that they are like my second family.

ROSER. Great, I'm sorry but it's time to move on to the next sports section. It's been a pleasure to meet you.

ORIOL. Oh that’s a pity… So, thank you I hope I’ll come back!

ROSER. Sure! Thank you for coming! Hope to see you soon, Oriol

Passarells human tower: P4 in Mataró