An interview with Roser Vega, an Audiovisual Media student at Tecnocampus and a theatre lover.
ORIOL. It’s 8 o’clock on Friday 15th February. This is Breakfast1 on BBC Radio1 with Oriol Segura. Today we have with us Roser Vega, an Audiovisual Media student at Tecnocampus. Good Morning Roser. How are you?
ROSER. Fine thanks, I’m so glad to be here. Thanks for inviting me.
ORIOL. Roser, I suppose today you feel comfortable here on the radio as this year you have started Audiovisual Media degree… Why were you interested in audiovisual’s world?
ROSER. Yes, it’s true! This year I started to study in Tecnocampus, and I was interested in this university since the day I heard about it. Because they allow you to study the different medias of communication, and in the future I’ll be able to manage TV, cinema, radio… That’s wonderful.
ORIOL. That’s very interesting. Do you think the role of the media is important today? I mean, I don’t know if they can transform our society into a better one.
ROSER. I believe that the media nowadays play an important role in our society, and that the main objective is to inform people so that they can see what is happening and join the cause.
ORIOL. Related to this issue, I would also like to know if you think that today, in your country for instance, the media manipulate the information they give us.
ROSER. That's a very difficult question because I really don’t know if it's true, but I will express my opinion. Personally, I think that Spain is unfairly judging wrong people and not paying attention to international problems such as the Mediterranean refugees, and this is due to a poor communication and a certain handling of information on some medias.
ORIOL Ok, let’s move on! Currently you are in a theatre company. I think you started when you were just a little child, didn’t you?
ROSER. Yes, since I was 8 I got into the school theater group and I was studying there until I was 18. But when I was like 13-14 years old I decided to train as an actress apart from doing it in school, so I entered in a professional drama school and I am still there since then.
ORIOL. Wow, it sounds great. Let’s simulate a fake situation. If one day, on a movie production, you could choose between being an actress or being a photography director, what would you prefer to be?
ROSER. Oh, this is a question that everybody often ask to me. Personally, I want to be a multifaceted actress, that is, to be able to act in different genres... So if one day I find myself in this situation I would love to be able to act and direct at the same time. It would be unforgettable!
ORIOL. Okay, so you don’t miss any opportunity. Do you have some future project in mind? Could you explain to us your future steps?
ROSER. Mmm… Now I want to continue dedicating myself to studying both; audiovisual and theater… So I'm in two big theatre projects...That’s all I can tell. And on the other side I want to finish my studies first, and see what field I want to dedicate myself to.
ORIOL. So actually you don’t know what you want to be in the future, do you?
ROSER. No! I know that I want to dedicate myself to film and photography for sure. And also, I know that I have the theater as a hobby, but if one day the opportunity appears, I won’t waste it, and I will enjoy it a lot.
ORIOL. Roser, it’s a pleasure talking with you, but as you know, on radio, like in theatre or television, time is money and we are running out of it! Thanks for visiting us. We hope to see you soon on BBC Radio1.
ROSER. Oh, okey! Thanks it’s been a pleasure!
ORIOL. Next up is Something Just Like This by Coldplay.
Premiere of "Els Pastorets" December 17, 2018