Accelerate Experience Design with Design-driven innovation and Human-centred design approach Accelerate Experience Design | Page 51
Quantitative research is never neglected. According to Jon Kolko in Exposing the Magic of Design, the critical difference of design research and market research is that design research’s
purpose is to understand culture and identify the peculiar, whereas market research seeks to
predict behavior and remain unbiased. As Craftventure is a new service model and it does has
certain similarity to some existing services form in the market, design research serves critical
role to discover the change of meaning while market
I conducted internal and external research to understand demographics, profile and statistic of
the following topics:
• Macro statistics such as territorial, population, education, culture, tourism, labour market... etc
• Young Travelers (aged 18-30) in Italy and Lombardia regione
• Artisan and Artisan network in Italy and Lombardia regione