Accelerate Experience Design with Design-driven innovation and Human-centred design approach Accelerate Experience Design | Page 52

Market research gave team a much completed picture of the landscape. In terms of ARTISANS AT RISK young travelers, we know who is coming from where, purpose of travel, how much they Economy crisis and population ageing issue does harm to Italian artisan sectors spent per night for what, the difference of local young travelers and foreign travelers’ COMPANY TERMINATION RATE spending behavior. NON CRAFT COMPANY In terms of artisan, we know the heritage from each city in Lombardia, the economic situation of each artisan sector and how it affects the succession, birth and termination CRAFT SECTOR AT RISK CRAFT COMPANY Wood and wood products Tailors and Clothing Manufacture of furniture Textile Ceramics, tiles and terra cotta products Bakeries, ice cream parlours Food Footwear and leather goods of the business. Source: CNA 2012 learn it , make it , love it Selected key findings are summarized in the form of infographics as below. These findings further established our assumption and opportunity for Craftventure’s service model. THE RUSHING TOURISTS Tourists spend only 1 - 3 days in Lombardia. ag om -R s To na ca na e Tr in nt o ia gl Pu n Ve o et ia cil Si Sa na eg rd ⊕ 4 days rd ba m Lo ia 1-3 days Source: Osservatorio Nazionale Del Turismo, Banca D’Italia, ISTAT, 2011 learn it , make it , love it THE LOST GENERATION Youth unemployment trend remands upwards. UNEMPLOYMENT RATE age 15 - 24 GRADUATE NEETS Neither in Employment, Education DON T KNOW WHAT TO DO nor in Training Source: Eurostat, European Commission, ONS, learn it , make it , love it 52 ⊖ a ili Em