Accelerate Experience Design with Design-driven innovation and Human-centred design approach Accelerate Experience Design | Page 23
• some polarities value might represent as constraint or common shared values.
At the end of the exercise, I converged dimensions from many to only a few, for each
After identifying one dimension, I started to craft design scenarios for each quadrant. The
dimension, some have only one specific quadrant but some have all quadrants looks
main purpose of this step is to imagine a scenario, to be told as a story, which entails
promising. I chose the one with more interesting quadrants for the next scenario building
keywords to illustrate. The level of analysis is for better decision making rather than con-
process as it gives me more opportunity to explore change of meaning. If time and re-
cretizing details. Hence, at this stage, each scenario should consists of:
sources are allowed, I would also pick other dimension and look into it. For now they
were placed in backlog and it might be useful again during the process.
1. Persona with basic sketch of lifestyle
2. Story with keywords to envision implications
Scenario building itself is a iterative process that brings scenario keywords and persona’s
life together to create a meaningful narratives. You can either start with populating keywords or start with creating persona’s characteristic, depending on which is more intuitive to you and your team.