Academic Handbook 2022-2023 81
Students cultivate their understanding of writing and rhetorical arguments through reading , analyzing , and writing texts as they explore topics like rhetorical situation , claims and evidence , reasoning and organization , and style . Students will also study the ideas of great philosophers and will discuss and write about ethical issues and the values of contemporary society . The focus of the course is language , so there is a considerable amount of writing . The students will keep journals that record their intellectual and emotional responses to what they read and to their own writing ; they will also prepare to write the AP English Language and Composition exam . Assessments may include analytical , argumentative and creative writing assignments ; focused exam preparation ; and discussions and presentations .
AP English Literature and Composition
Course Credit Course Duration Delivery Method
See English : FAQ
4 credits Full year Classroom-based , using the Harkness method and other instructional strategies
AP English Literature and Composition is an introductory college-level literary analysis course . Students cultivate their understanding of literature through reading and analyzing texts as they explore concepts and devices like character , setting , structure , perspective , and figurative language in the context of literary works . Because the focus of the course is on language and practicing literary analysis skills , there is a considerable amount of writing , which also helps students prepare to write the AP English Literature and Composition exam . Assessments include analytical writing assignments , focused exam preparation , discussions , and public speaking .
English : FAQ
Should my daughter read ahead to prepare for the next grade ?
Skill development in English is a gradual process , and we do not encourage students to prepare for upcoming years before they are ready . However , we do encourage students to set aside time to read for pleasure and enrichment . The Wade Library in the Senior School maintains an excellent collection in a variety of formats . The teacher-librarian is happy to provide reading recommendations .
What is required to take AP English Literature and Composition or AP English Language and Composition ?
AP English Language and Composition may be added as an elective in Grade 11 or 12 and taken in addition to a required English course at the Grade 11 level or as an addition to English Studies 12 at the Grade 12 level . AP English Literature and Composition may be added as an elective in Grade 12 and taken in addition to English Studies 12 . The challenge process , outlined in the section entitled “ Earning Credit Beyond Crofton House School ,” offers students an alternative route to these courses . By successfully challenging Literary Studies 11 , a student will have the option of taking a combination of English Studies 12 and an AP English course . Should students choose to pursue this more advanced course of study , there are a number of factors they must take into consideration :
• English Studies 12 is a graduation requirement and cannot be challenged .
• Students must take an English course in every year that they are in secondary school .
• Challenge requirements are set out by the Ministry of Education and Crofton House School must align our practice with the requirements .
• CHS has set the learning standards of Literary Studies 11 as the most effective preparation for English Studies 12 . For this reason , CHS will not consider a successful challenge of either Composition 11 or Creative Writing 11 as a prerequisite for English Studies 12 .