Crofton House School
• As our Grade 11 courses have not yet transitioned to SBG , we will be using percentages to mark this year ’ s challenge exam and next year ’ s English Studies 12 course .
• A student must indicate at the time of course selection in her Grade 10 year her intention to challenge Literary Studies 11 at the end of the year and select English Studies 12 as her # 1 selected course for Grade 11 .
• CHS recommends students achieve a minimum grade of 86 % on the challenge assessment in order to be at the same academic level as the students in the Grade 12 class they would be joining .
• The grade earned through the challenge process is recorded on the student ’ s transcript along with a “ C ” indicating the Grade was earned through a challenge process .
• Students submitting Grade 11 marks to postsecondary institutions should consult with their post-secondary counsellor to understand how specific institutions would evaluate a grade earned through challenge .
• Students can choose to take AP Language and Composition in Grade 11 and / or AP Literature and Composition in Grade 12 as elective courses without going through the challenge process ; they would be required to take a concurrent English course in each case .