Academic Handbook 2022-2023 | Page 80

Crofton House School
the close reading of non-fiction and literary texts . To prepare for the more sophisticated writing required in English Studies 12 , students will review the components of advanced grammar and syntax , paying particular attention to the importance of clarity and precision . This course will use the Harkness method , as well as lecture , online , inquiry and project-based teaching and learning strategies to enable students to refine their reading , speaking , and writing skills .
The Big Ideas explored in this course are :
• The exploration of text and story deepens student understanding of diverse , complex ideas about identity , others , and the world
• People understand text differently depending on their worldviews and perspectives
• Texts are socially , geographically , and historically constructed
• Language shapes ideas and influences others
• Voice is powerful and evocative Assessments may include formative and summative analytical paragraphs , essays , creative and other compositional pieces , debate , spoken word poetry , drama performances , project work , discussions , presentations , and public speaking .
English Studies 12
Course Credit Course Duration Delivery Method
Composition 11 , Creative Writing 11 , Literary Studies 11 or Spoken Language 11 4 credits Full year Classroom-based , using the Harkness method and other instructional strategies
English Studies 12 is a Capstone course that brings together all of the learning experiences that students have pursued in their previous English courses , while providing opportunities to further develop these skills through the exploration of contemporary and classic texts . This course uses the Harkness method , as well as lecture , online , inquiry and project-based teaching and learning strategies to enable students to focus on mastering their critical and creative thinking skills , while developing confidence in their ability to communicate their ideas effectively with others . Additionally , students will continue to develop their understanding of advanced grammar and syntax , paying particular attention to the importance of clarity and precision while demonstrating their mastery of essential writing skills through an extended literary research paper .
The Big Ideas explored in this course are :
• The exploration of text and story deepens our understanding of diverse , complex ideas about identity , others , and the world
• People understand text differently depending on their worldviews and perspectives
• Texts are socially , culturally , geographically , and historically constructed
• Language shapes ideas and influences others
• Questioning what we hear , read , and view contributes to our ability to be educated and engaged citizens
• The examination of First Peoples cultures and lived experiences through text builds understanding of Canadians ’ responsibilities in relation to Reconciliation
Assessments may include presentations , discussions , debating and public speaking , as well as analytical , argumentative and creative writing assignments .
AP English Language and Composition
Course Credit Course Duration Delivery Method
See English : FAQ
4 credits Full year Classroom-based , using the Harkness method and other instructional strategies
AP English Language and Composition is an introductory college-level composition course .