Academic Handbook 2022-2023 | Page 67

Academic Handbook 2021-2022 67
Food Studies 12 explores more advanced techniques in food preparation and presentation though multiple instructional techniques . Students consider safety and the prevention of foodborne illnesses as they handle equipment and food supplies and use appropriate cooking and storage methods . In addition to preparing and presenting food , students learn about resource management , assess global issues related to food production and consumption , and develop their abilities to work individually and in groups . Assessment may include student laboratory work , a portfolio , presentations and project work .
The Big Ideas explored in this course are :
• Services and products can be designed through consultation and collaboration .
• Personal design interests require the evaluation and refinement of skills .
• Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes .
Please note : All Food Studies courses take into consideration religious customs , special dietary restrictions , and food allergies . The classroom is nut-free .
Textiles 8
Recommended or Prerequisite Course Credit Course Duration Delivery Method
N / A 1 semester Lab-based , using a variety of instructional strategies
In Textiles 8 students learn the use of the sewing machine , a variety of basic construction techniques , hand sewing , and how to work with a commercial pattern and fabric to complete boxer shorts or pajama pants . Assessment may include : sample work , project work , garment construction , written assignments , and illustration assignments . Please note : patterns are provided but students are responsible for purchasing all fabric and supplies .
The Big Ideas explored in this course are :
• Design can be responsive to identified needs .
• Complex tasks require the acquisition of additional skills .
• Complex tasks may require multiple tools and technologies .
Textiles 9
Recommended or Prerequisite Course Credit Course Duration Delivery Method
N / A 1 semester Lab-based , using a variety of instructional strategies
Textiles 9 students will study garment construction , knitting , fashion illustration , elements of design , careers in the industry , natural and synthetic fibres , and consumer practices . Students are provided with opportunities to use appropriate tools , techniques , and resources to plan and create a simple garment . Assessment may include portfolio work , written assignments , fashion illustration , sample work , garment construction , and project work . Please note : patterns are provided but students are responsible for purchasing all fabric and supplies .
The Big Ideas explored in this course are :
• Social , ethical , and sustainable considerations impact design .
• Complex tasks require the sequencing of skills .
• Complex tasks require different technologies and tools at different stages .
Textiles 10 ( 1 Semester )
Course Credit Course Duration Delivery Method
Textiles 9 or permission of the teacher based upon previous foods experience 2 credits 1 semester Lab-based , using a variety of instructional strategies