Crofton House School
The Big Ideas explored in this course are :
• Social , ethical and sustainability considerations impact design .
• Complex tasks require the sequencing of skills .
Please note : All Food Studies courses take into consideration religious customs , special dietary restrictions , and food allergies . The classroom is nut-free .
Food Studies 11
• Complex tasks require different technologies and tools at different stages .
Please note : All Food Studies courses take into consideration religious customs , special dietary restrictions , and food allergies . The classroom is nut-free .
Food Studies 10 ( Full Year )
Course Credit Course Duration Delivery Method
Food Studies 9 and / or Food Studies 10 or permission of the teacher based upon previous foods experience 4 credits Full year Lab-based , using a variety of instructional strategies
Course Credit Course Duration Delivery Method
Food Studies 9 or permission of the teacher based upon previous foods experience 4 credits Full Year Lab-based , using a variety of instructional strategies
In this year-long course , students will work collaboratively in groups to develop various skills from meal planning , to preparing a variety of foods , to presenting aesthetically pleasing attractive meals . Students will increase their knowledge of the nutritional , social and economic factors that affect food selection and preparation as well as examining the relationship between eating practices and mental and physical well-being . Theory is put into practice when students consider safety and sanitation as they handle equipment and food supplies and use appropriate cooking and storage methods . Assessment may include student laboratory work , a portfolio and project work .
The Big Ideas explored in this course are :
• Social , ethical and sustainability considerations impact design .
• Complex tasks require the sequencing of skills .
• Complex tasks require different technologies and tools at different stages .
In this course , students will begin to work independently while preparing a wide variety of foods . They will learn about the components of recipe development and modification including ingredients , functions , proportions , temperatures and preparation methods . Students will investigate food labels , promotion and marketing strategies , food security and international and regional food guides . . Working independently and managing time , energy and resources is an integral part of the course . Assessment may include student laboratory work , a portfolio , presentations and project work .
The Big Ideas explored in this course are :
• Services and products can be designed through consultation and collaboration .
• Personal design interests require the evaluation and refinement of skills .
• Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes .
Please note : All Food Studies courses take into consideration religious customs , special dietary restrictions , and food allergies . The classroom is nut-free .
Food Studies 12
Recommended Food Studies 11 Course Credit Course Duration Delivery Method
4 credits Full year Lab-based , using a variety of instructional strategies