Crofton House School
Textiles 10 is a lab-based course for students to build on previously learned construction skills as they move towards mastery of more advanced sewing techniques . Content includes selection of pattern , fabric and notions for an individually chosen garment , use of advanced technology and the computerized sewing machine and serger , a variety of construction techniques and principles of design . Assessment may include portfolio work , written assignments , fashion illustration , sample work , garment construction , and project work . Please note : patterns are provided but students are responsible for purchasing all fabric and supplies .
The Big Ideas explored in this course are :
• Social , ethical , and sustainability considerations impact design .
• Complex tasks require the sequencing of skill .
• Complex tasks require different technologies and tools at different stages .
Textiles 10 ( Full Year )
Course Credit Course Duration Delivery Method
Textiles 9 or permission of the teacher based upon previous textiles experience 4 credits Full year Lab-based , using a variety of instructional strategies
Textiles 10 is a lab-based course for students to build on previously learned construction skills as they move towards mastery of more advanced sewing techniques . Content includes selection of pattern , fabric and notions for an individually chosen garment , use of advanced technology and the computerized sewing machine and serger , a variety of construction techniques and principles of design . The course is structured to promote student-centred learning as students independently select projects during the second semester that satisfy a variety of learning outcomes . Assessment may include : portfolio work , written assignments , fashion illustration , sample work , garment construction , and project work .
Please note : patterns are provided but students are responsible for purchasing all fabric and supplies .
The Big Ideas explored in this course are :
• Social , ethical , and sustainability considerations impact design .
• Complex tasks require the sequencing of skill .
• Complex tasks require different technologies and tools at different stages .
Textiles 11
Recommended Textiles 9 and / or Textiles 10 and access to a sewing machine outside class
Course Credit Course Duration Delivery Method
4 credits Full year Lab-based , using a variety of instructional strategies
Textiles 11 students use advanced construction techniques to work with new fabrics and more complex patterns . They will also explore elements and principles of design , textile properties , historical and cultural influences on fashion , consumer issues , careers in the industry , fashion illustration and fashion design . The course is structured to promote student-centred learning as students independently select projects that satisfy a variety of learning outcomes . Assessment may include : portfolio work , written assignments , fashion illustration , sample work , garment construction , and project work . Please note : patterns are provided but students are responsible for purchasing all fabric and supplies .
The Big Ideas explored in this course are :
• Products can be designed for a life cycle ,
• Personal design interests require the evaluation and refinement of skills ,
• Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes .