workshop led by Patrick Kavanagh . He explained how even picking up a tarot deck is a magical act and so it was important for us to all ground ourselves in the way we would usually do . After we were all grounded , the workshop could begin .
Patrick told us much about the history of the tarot , some of it from very surprising sources !
He also had some very interesting stories to tell us about his own experiences with the tarot over many years , and to demonstrate how it was possible for anyone to read the tarot with David Nundy giving a reading for Jean Cook using the Mythic Tarot .
A very interesting part of the afternoon was getting to look at all the different decks , although I ’ m sure that will lead those of us with TAS ( Tarot Acquisition Syndrome – Thanks the Martyn Gaunt for that one !) having to increase our collections !
We were given some very comprehensive notes on card meanings to bring away with us too so we can study them at home .
We also had a fascinating discussion about the nature of tarot reading , what it meant to us , and where we though the information may be coming from .
As always , it was lovely to see old friends , and new friends , from far and near , and to welcome some brand new people too . It is always a pleasure to spend time with like-minded people , and to see our spiritual gatherings grow from strength to strength .