8 tell him their names . As you do this , with each name you give him , he sprinkles herbs on the logs , so they burn more brightly .
As you come to the end of the list , he speaks again , telling you that all those that have gone before you , send you their love and blessings and wish you joy on this life ' s journey .
He then disappears and you sit for several more minutes reflecting on this experience before returning to your own room .
Don ' t forget to write about your experiences in your notebook . Now it is time for us to look at how these four elements connect together .
Let ' s take an obvious scenario . You are camping near a river and sitting around a camp fire . You have the element of Air all around you , the element of Earth under and around you , the element of Water nearby and the element of Fire in front of you . I am sure you can think of other times and places where you find all four elements together . Being a druid , is being aware of all around you and how they interconnect . What we are doing is really at quite a basic level but you have to start somewhere .
By now you should be more aware of each of these elements and their spiritual meanings as you go about your daily life . You should also be aware of how precious each element is to us and give it the respect it demands .
Think about your daily life and see if it has changed while you have been doing this work . Are you more aware of how you do things ? Do you have more respect for the elements around you ?
Write down some of these thoughts in your notebook . It may be that you have changed the way you do certain things . Note these too .
One final imaginary journey with the elements before we move on .
Imagine you are sitting outside on a summer evening around a camp fire . Although it has been a warm day , the evening breeze cools the air so you sit near to the fire .
You relax and allow your eyes to close . You can hear the crackling of the flames but then you hear a light footfall and you sense that someone is standing in front of you . You open your eyes and see a figure dressed in a long cloak and holding out a bowl towards you . The bowl us earthenware and a beautiful deep brown in colour . It is filled with water .
You take the bowl and place it on the ground in front of you . Then you use your hands to splash your face with the water , tasting it as it runs down your face . The water smells and tastes fresh as if from a spring . The figure picks up the bowl and empties it on the ground . No words are spoken but you have an inner understanding of everything that has occurred . You feel refreshed and renewed from the water .
You look up towards the fire , the figure has gone , but you know that something special has taken place .
When you return home from , this imaginary journey , write about your experiences in your notebook .
Now it is time to move on and learn something else about the druids and how they work . Gladys Dinnacombe
Tarot Workshop – with Patrick Kavanagh
It was another full house at The Avalon Room at Barney ’ s Café in Barnetby for the tarot