Inevitably , the learning and sharing of information was followed up by the sharing of cake , tea and homemade wine . After all , it WAS an Abus Coritani gathering , and such things are fast becoming our trade marks !
Diane Worthington
When people first begin to explore the occult and study magick , they are often confused by the elemental associations . Does the sword belong to air or fire ? Should the wand be air and if so why ? These are valid questions but often the answer is dependant on which magickal philosophy you primarily follow .
First of all I better comment on the correlation of magical tool with the related element . Although we call it the Western Tradition much found in ceremonial magic is of Romano-Greek , Middle Eastern and Egyptian origin . The alternative Western Tradition is British , Irish and Northern European . The historical division is between the cultures south of and north of the Alps . The Western Tradition whose origins lie along the Mediterranean coast states ; Air = wand Fire = knife or sword Water = cup or cauldron Earth = the platter or pentacle disc The British ( Gaelic ) Tradition whose origin is Northern and Western Europe states : Air = sword or knife Fire = wand or staff Water = cup or cauldron Earth = the altar , the sacred stone or the pentacle disk My own suggestion as an alternative reason for swords belonging to air may be that the sword is the arrow point that cuts the air as it races to its mark . However , an arrow of course looks remarkably like a wand doesn ' t it ?
Now let us look at a few correspondences and how they relate to each other . I am not going into a lot of detail here as the listing will in theory , illustrate the more salient points . The Element of Air . Traditional tool or weapon is the sword or knife although some traditions say wand . Tarot suit is therefore either swords or wands and in a deck of cards spades or clubs . Compass point is east . Colour in the Western Tradition is yellow although the Airt colour ( more later ) is crimson . Air represents energy and is related to the mind , intuitive and psychic work , communication and legalities . Power : to know . Season : Spring . Element of Fire . Traditional tool or weapon is the wand although some traditions say sword . Tarot suit is therefore either wands or swords and in a deck of cards clubs or spades . Compass point is south . Colour in the Western is red although the Airt colour is white . Fire represents spiritual will and is related to purification , combat , sex , passion , physical health and healing . Power : to will . Season : Summer . Element of Water . Traditional tool or weapon is the cup or cauldron . Tarot suit is cups and in a deck of cards hearts . Compass point is west . Colour in the Western Tradition is blue although the Airt colour is grey . Water represents compassion and is related to emotions , matters of love , dreams , intuitive and psychic work and the deep subconscious mind . Power : to dare . Season : Autumn Element of Earth . Traditional tool or weapon is the altar pentacle . Tarot suit is pentacles or coins and in a deck of cards diamonds . Compass point is north . Colour in