Back to Jean and Arno ’ s for Cake , Cookies , Coffee and Chat . And another very pleasant afternoon under our belts ! As Diane said “ The weather may be cold but the friendship is warm ” Always .
Jean D Cook
Conversations with a druid - a practical guide to druidry . By Gladys Dinnacombe
This article is part of a series taken from ' Conversations with a druid – a beginners guide to practical druidry '. It is as the title states , for beginners , those new to any kind of spiritual work or path . If you would be interested in working through these lessons as a free course , then please contact Gladys via Facebook .
Lesson 2
The elements are an important part of druidry as well as many other spiritual paths . The 4 elements of Air , Fire , Water and Earth also correspond to the directions of East , South , West and North . There is a fifth element Spirit which is everywhere being interwoven with all that there is on Earth .
If you look back to your notes on the observation exercises you will see that Air and Earth are two of the elements that you will have observed . If you were near a river or pond then you will have observed the Water element . We now need to take this further looking at each of the elements in turn .
Let ' s look at the element of Air first . In your notebook try to write down at least 10 facts you know about air , more if you can . Use the internet or books if you are stuck .
The main fact about Air is that without it we could not breathe . So how do we access the air around us ; we feel refreshing breezes , we see clear skies at night which awaken our perception of what is in our universe and bring in a new awareness with this . Have you ever stood on the top of a hill when the wind is blowing , or walked against a strong wind or been by the sea when it is stormy ? If so , write down how you felt at that time .
I remember my mother saying on a very windy day , ' that will blow the cobwebs away !'. She did not mean this just literally but also that it would clear the air especially that around the buildings and that around our bodies . It is nature ' s way of cleansing not only stagnant air around buildings but also the energy field around our bodies .
The spiritual conception of air is a much deeper thing .