Air is the element that allows us to communicate with all the inspirational dimensions of our Self . It relates to the transformation of our intelligence and powers our flights of fantasy into other realms .
Air also allows us the luxury of being able to think before we speak , before we act and gives us the joy of our personal inspiration and creativity .
So how can we work with this element ?
If we meditate on this element it will bring new awareness and appreciation , a new view of older images , it helps create new communication skills and invigorates , it brings creative flow and allows us to amplify our thoughts
Here is an exercise for you ;
Practise deep breathing , inhaling to the count of 4 and slowly exhaling . Do this several times . How do you feel now ?
And a few more short exercises . Remember to write down your thoughts afterwards . You could also sketch any images you see .
Visualise yourself with wings , flying in the sky . How does it feel and what do you see beneath you ?
Watch how the breeze lifts up things like leaves and litter , then moves them around . Describe how the leaves or litter move .
Now for a longer exercise which is more of a meditative journey . Make sure you are sitting comfortably and will not be disturbed .
Imagine that you are walking along a snow-covered path on a frosty morning during the winter . The snow is sparkling clean and forms a smooth white carpet across the land . The air seems filled with energy on this bright morning . Every breath you take fills you with anticipation and inspiration .
The sparkling snow seems to penetrate your being and you feel so alive and creative and so full of joy .
You stay for some time then rush home with a renewed energy for any projects you have begun . You feel more resolved about any creative ideas you have had in the past and determine to bring them to fruition .
A further little exercise that you can do every day is to stand outside with your eyes closed and take deep breaths . Notice how the air around you feels . Is it hot or cold ? Still or moving ?
We can now move on to the element of Earth as this is another element that you have experienced through your observation work in Lesson 1 .
Let ' s start again with some facts . Try to find at least 10 facts about our planet Earth then try to find 10 facts about the earth in your garden .
One thing you may have realised is that the Earth has several ' meanings '. We call our planet Earth , then we have the earth in the garden which mainly consists of soil and we also often think of our earth as the landscape around us .
If we think about the land around us we can see that it sustains us , supporting us with the crops we grow and sheltering us with its trees , but it also gives us a connection to our ancestors , those who lived before us and who have left us with their stories and their history .
On a spiritual level Earth helps us to regain our connection to the natural spiritual wisdom and teaches us about ancient tribes and their rituals of power . Earth will sustain us as long as we do not strain its material limitations . ( this is the real element of recycling ).
There is something special about walking around our landscape , the feeling of lightness when walking on grass as opposed to walking on stony roads and a feeling of fulfilment as you tread gently on the earth .
Working in a garden or even just potting indoor plants gives a feeling of peace and renewed energy as you see the rewards of your toil . There is also a feeling of connection with the earth as we do this .
So now you can work through some very simple exercises writing about your experiences in