We walked the short but slightly treacherous path to the grove at Julian ’ s Bower and set up our altar while Phil , Sam and Louise took advantage of the rope swing - releasing their inner children !
There was a small but very relaxed and friendly group and a great atmosphere despite the bitter cold . It was however bright and dry and the Goddess had come some way to compromising with us on the weather . The four quarters were marked with coloured lanterns and even though we didn ’ t get them lit they still caught the winter sunlight and looked beautiful .
Diane led the Ritual which was brisk and full of energy and felt very positive . We pulled in the energy and built it up sending it around the circle , forging a bond of energy which will remain long after the ritual . Sam , as Mabon , handed everyone a yellow tulip which we later left as a tribute in a circle in the centre of the grove , which has become one of our special and sacred locations . We decided it was the fastest ritual we had ever performed – a veritable “ flash ” ritual ! ( It was so cold at one point I couldn ’ t turn the pages ………)