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Por / By Enrique Rob Lunski Ph.D.
President GET . e360 . ABClatino
This is a new day!
I recently read that trees communicate with each other through their roots that intertwine with other trees in their environment. So, if one of them is disturbed by a plague, the others perceive it and prepare to face the danger. Something similar happens with birds, mammals and even in the marine world. Human beings seem to be the only living specimens on the planet with the ability to enclose ourselves in our own, created cocoon, choosing not to pay attention to what is happening around us; ignoring the plea of others, until it affects us personally.
When did we lose the ability to empathize with our surroundings? And I say we lost it because we innately possess it at birth. Babies and young children do not recognize barriers, their relationship with other living beings and the environment is natural, spontaneous, and happy. The sages and great spiritual beings have always told us about something that scientists and doctors tell us today as well. It is necessary to recover our inner child to live a full life, without stress or illness and thus rediscover our place in the Universe.