A Treatise on the Subject of Daedra Worship, 1st Edition, 2016 1st Edition, 2016 | Page 28
Drawing a Conclusion on the
Study of Daedra Worship.
§53 –In order to draw a conclusion on the Subject of Daedra Worship, one must first
acknowledge the flaws of his own work, and suggest improvements that he, and others, can
use to improve the generalisability and validity of his work next time around. I am no
exception to this rule.
Firstly, I accept that my sampling frame was narrow and thus ungeneralisable – consisting of
the responses of two females and one gender-fluid participants.
Secondly, I accept that my literature analysis – that, upon consisting of extracts from in-
game sources – serves very little practical purpose, if only there to give the reader a better
understand of the background to the Daedra, and how it has potentially been transitioned
to real-life worship.
Thirdly, I accept that the aim of this investigation lacked a clear direction – it merely served
as a pretext to investigate this worship, and to get an analysis down on paper, so that it may
be expanded on in the future, and that it shall not be forgotten by the ceaseless race of
Fourthly, I accept that the questions used in the self-report measure were perhaps flawed in
the sense that it could have asked a lot more, for a larger quantity of in-depth, rich and
descriptive qualitative information.
Fifthly, I accept that – upon analysing the origin of such worship – the conclusion (or in this
case, a lack of a conclusion) drawn arises from the fact that purely, not enough information
exists to conclude, in-between the years 1996 – 2013, exactly when Daedra Worship