A Treatise on the Subject of Daedra Worship, 1st Edition, 2016 1st Edition, 2016 | Page 27

“Love-hate, compassionate, scornful.” “Illness, Chaos, Fantasy” –The Participants – On Sheogorath, 2016 §50 –Although only one (33%) of the sample had a religious upbringing, two (66%) studied religious affairs on their own. This seems to suggest that the search for religious self- discovery on an individual level explanation that is more plausible to generalise to the whole worshipping populace than a transitioning of deities by a certain group. §51 – None of the participants worshipped all 17 Princes, but believed in their existence. The mean Daedric Princes worshipped was 3.3 102 §52 –Of those that worshipped Daedric deities in conjunction with non-Daedric ones, none worshipped other “Pop Culture Deities”. 103 102 103 Thus rounded down to 3. Deities inspired by cultural icons from mediums such as mass media, games, novels, &c.