A Treatise on the Subject of Daedra Worship, 1st Edition, 2016 1st Edition, 2016 | Page 26

A Demographical Analysis of Self-Report Measurements. §46 –The Sample gathered for this analysis consisted of two females 96 (66%) and one whose gender was considered ‘other’ 97 (33%). §47 –All participants (100%) worshipped more than one Daedric deity, while two (66%) worshipped them independently 98 any non-Daedric deities, one (33%) worshipping them in conjunction with non-Daedric deities. §48–The average worship timeline 99 was 1 year 100 . §49 –A common Prince worshipped between all participants was Sheogorath. 101 . Sheogorath was described as thus: “...the insanity that is in us all, whether in a large amount or smaller less noticeable, but no less important, chunks” “...Sheogorath to me means at the same time, He's caring for me. Giving me something to do and apply myself to. Yet at the same time He scorns me. Cursing me at the same time. And no matter what, the side of cursing upon me will always outweigh the side of blessing. ” “...Order and Madness, they are opposites and in way, the same...” 96 Participants A and B respectively. In this sample, the ‘other’ was a gender fluid. Participant C 98 in absence of 99 The time spent worshipping the Daedra 100 This was gathered from only 2 participants, 1 wishing not to disclose such information. 101 2 Participants worshipped Boethia, Hircine and Hermaeus Mora, 97