A Treatise on the Subject of Daedra Worship, 1st Edition, 2016 1st Edition, 2016 | Page 29

originates from. Thus, the presumption made about it originating from an individual standpoint, as opposed to a collective one cannot be confirmed at this time. Sixthly, and finally, I accept that, and re-iterate that more research must be done in order to fill in the gaps. This, I hope with all my heart, is what will happen. It is what must happen, if the world is to increase its understanding of this theological practice. Appendices. §54 –APPENDIX A: A STUDY ABSTRACT. The Aim of this primary Study into Daedra Worship is to increase awareness of the presence of Daedra Worship, and to study its origins, and practices, using the analysis of the self-report measure of questionnaires. The sample contained two females and one participant of the ‘other’ category (in this cause gender-fluid) gathered by opportunity sampling via a Daedra Worship Internet Forum. Sometime had been used to better understand about the concept of Daedra Worship beforehand, and then the questionnaire was given to them to be filled out via the forum’s private messaging feature. All participants were briefed beforehand in a thread made about the subject of the Treatise, and de-briefed after they have completed the questionnaire, two having completed it on the 1 st of December 2016, and the third participant having completed it thirty days later on the 30 th of December. The results are as thus; All participants (100%) worshipped more than one Daedric deity, while two (66%) worshipped them independently any non-Daedric deities, one (33%) worshipping them in conjunction with non-Daedric deities. The average worship timeline was 1 year. A common Prince worshipped between all participants was Sheogorath. Although only one (33%) of the sample had a religious upbringing, two (66%) studied religious affairs on their own. None of the participants worshipped all 17 Princes, but believed in their existence. The mean Daedric Princes worshipped was 3.3. Of those that worshipped Daedric deities in conjunction with non- Daedric ones, none worshipped other “Pop Culture Deities”. It must be concluded that – although more research must certainly be done – Daedra Worship is present due to the concept of religious self-discovery. This seems to suggest that the search for religious self-discovery on an individual level explanation that is more