A Treatise on the Subject of Daedra Worship, 1st Edition, 2016 1st Edition, 2016 | Page 20

next. Where does this practice originate from? §34 –This question’s complexity is three-fold. Firstly, we must answer “Where and when did this practice start?” Secondly, we must ask “In what communities did this practice start, and why?” Thirdly, and finally, we must ask “When, and why – in individuals – does this practice originate?” §35 –The first question is possibly the simplest to answer, but also has a major flaw, for it simply cannot be answered with certainty. 79 However, what we can know for certainty is this; Daedra Worship did not exist before the introduction of the Daedra into the series’ lore 80 and has (at least) existed in the form of an online forum since its creation 81 , leaving a timespan of unaccounted days to 6094 (16 years, 8 months, and 8 days). At the current time of publication, however, no more can be said on the matter. 79 This is due to the fact that – at the time of publication – not enough information exists to form a trend. In TES Chapter II: Daggerfall; (1996) – Initial release being 31/09/96 81 since 08/05/2013 80