§ 31 – As above , the most appropriate prayer – this time a real life example – is to have a generalised template , followed by two examples ; 73
“‘ O [ prince ] 74 , [ additional title if they have one ] 75 , whose sphere is [ their sphere ] 76 , [ want / desire ] 77 . Guide and guard me .’”
– Prayer Template , 2015
§ 32 – The Author of the prayer , upon hoping to elaborate on this , follows this up with three examples ; two to Meridia , and one to Nocturnal respectively : 78
“ 1 . O Meridia , lady of infinite energies , whose sphere is the energies of life , grant me long life , let your light break upon me and should I pass let my body rest eternal . Guide and guard me .
2 . O Meridia , lady of infinite energies , whose sphere is the energies of life giving , let your energies touch those who sicken in my life and should they come to pass , grant them their peace in eternal rest . Guide and guard me
3 . O Nocturnal , night mistress , whose sphere is the night and darkness , allow me to unlock my inner potentials and let the shadows hide and protect me . Guide and guard me .”
– Prayer Template , 2015
§ 33 – The Reader , may be thinking to themselves upon getting to this point in the treatise “ Where does this practice originate from ?” This question will be analysed and answered
Extracted from a post on the subject of a prayer template from 23 / 08 / 2015 ; accessed 30 / 01 / 2017 ; the following has been left as it was originally written , with the exception of the correct of spelling & grammar errors .
“ most if not all of the Aedra prayers I ’ ve seen begin with ' come to me ', which is also an option but one I wanted to stay away from as many Daedra are dangerous and inviting them / their sphere into yourself would likely not end well , especially if dealing with more destructive oriented princes .”
“ the additional title is mainly for formalities sake and to clarify that you ’ re speaking to them and can also function as what about them you are trying to revere / ask of / etc . ( i . e . clarifying ' queen of dusk and dawn ' if your prayer is related to that [ of Azura ]) tho [ ugh ] it ’ s not required to use a specific title as a means of contacting that specific sphere relation .”
“ Specifying the sphere is again for formality and also , again , to help invoke what specifically you are praying / revering .”
“ Want / desire would be where you would put why you are making the prayer . If it ’ s just a general prayer of reverence , not asking for something , you can make the wording relatively vague ”
The author furthermore states that “ again these are only samples and can be edited it any way ”