A Treatise on the Subject of Daedra Worship, 1st Edition, 2016 1st Edition, 2016 | Page 21
§36 – The second question is likewise. Whilst no solid information is available, it can be
inferred that it grew as a branch from the tree of occult or neo-paganism groups, using the
Daedric Princes to supplement their own deities. 82
§36 – The final question - however – is a far more complex affair.
Although only 33% of the sample had a religious upbringing, 66% studied religious affairs on
their own. This seems to suggest that the search for religious self-discovery on an individual
level explanation that is more plausible to generalise to the whole worshipping populace
than a transitioning of deities by a certain group. 83
§37 – However, this is all unconfirmed, and thus but merely an educated assumption based
upon my experiences with the worshippers that I saw, and my own personal experiences.
What forms and mediums does
this worship take?
§38 – The Internet forum 84 observed provided a large array and variety of forms and
mediums of worship. The worship “Devotionals” 85 take many active and passive 86 forms.
§39 – Under the arch of passive worship, there falls many accounts of the first connection
between the worshipped and the worshipper. A section is completed dedicated to the
making of prayers and the giving of offerings. 87
§40 – However, how does one make this first connection? The simple answer is ‘it is
different for everyone’. However, there is a general psycho-telepathic process to such a
connection, that is not just fascinating to experience first-hand, but to also to hear about
Firstly, one must approach a Prince. This has been compared to approaching a deer or a
horse, always having to be conscious in treating them right while you approach. The
One example that could be presumed is the likeness of Meridia to the Fertility Goddesses; such as
Aphrodite, Gaia, Ceres , Venus, and Freya
However, at this time, this cannot be verified, and thus needs to be studied further.
The membership of this forum cannot be truly quantified, as the figure for members stands (at date of
writing) at 162 members. However, this doesn’t take into account deactivated accounts. Furthermore, it is not
possible to determine how many ‘active’ worshippers exist, in comparison to those who are not active in
A section of the forum that stretches back to the forums creation (08/05/2013), and the content observed
was of that made until 31/12/2016.
For a definition, see the Glossary of Terms or §29,
For a prayer template, See §31